What’s this ? A bird box ?
Nope, it’s a camera, but it’s not
digital, nor does it require film and
it doesn’t even have a lens.
But it will produce pictures so I
think it would be interesting to
build some and use them too.
What do you think ?
While the above camera is a “scratch-build”, so
called because it is from raw materials, we can also
build from kits.
I have pinhole camera kits by Viddy, 4M, Sharan and
Holeon Looma.
Lens camera kits by Gakken, Recesky, Haynes and
Lomo Konstruktor.
By kind permission of Freddie and Will
Centon df300. 4secs @ f8. (Rollei Retro 400s).
Promicrol 6mins at 22 degrees C